lundi 13 mai 2013

Présentation de l'entreprise en Angleterre

Thanet District Council


•My tutor is Tanya Wenham
•She is the Housing Regeneration Manager
•The website is
•Her email address is
•Her telephone number is 01843-577006

The Housing Regeneration Team works with landlords and tenants to ensure the legal standards for housing are met. 
If a tenant makes a complaint about poor housing conditions, we will investigate, and if needed, require the landlord to carry out repairs or improvements.

Examples of works which may be required include
    Leaking roofs and gutters made weatherproo
    Missing glazing or broken windows made safe
    Dangerous electrical wiring returned to good working       order
    Faulty fire alarms returned to full working order
    Adequate kitchen or bathroom facilities installed.
What happens if…
•  Landlords may be prosecuted for failing to carry out repairs after a Notice has been served on them.
•  Very occasionally conditions within a house cannot be put right and so a house may have to be demolished or closed.  In these rare circumstances the Council will offer the tenants alternative accommodation.
•  Houses which are in use as bedsits or long-term bed and breakfast accommodation, are known as "houses in multiple occupation" (HMO) and must meet another group of legal standards covering matters including overcrowding, sufficient bathrooms and kitchens, and fire precautions.

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