Magre Christelle

NOM Prénom : MAGRE Christelle
                              Age : 20 ans                                
Entreprise : Conseil Général de la Charente
Service : Direction de l'Aménagement et de l'Education – Enseignement Supérieur
Adresse : 1er étage - 36 rue de l'Arsenal - 16000 ANGOULEME

Missions en entreprise :
- Accueillir en face à face et par téléphone les étudiants qui souhaitent avoir des informations sur les bourses départementales
- Saisir sur informatique les dossiers de bourses
- Créer des courriers de refus, via des modèles

6 commentaires:

Magré Christelle a dit…
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Magré Christelle a dit…

Hi !!!

My colleagues are very friendly with me and speak slowly with me so I understand.

My daily tasks are:
- Arranger books received before
- Reclassify shelves
- Count the number of students and faculty located in the library
- Print the list of books, DVDs and CDs that have not been made
- Make a new protective covers for old books, or books that have fragile covers.

See You Later!

Unknown a dit…

Hi Christelle,
Can you create a process for the archives of book....

Magré Christelle a dit…

Everything went well during my second week and I got on well with the team.
The tasks performed during this week:
- Arrange books received before
- Reclassify shelves
- Count the number of students and faculty located in the library
- Make a new protective covers for old books, Golden Books that Have brittle covers.
- Create a new design for the labels of all the library in accordance with the charter school. So that they are more visible to users. And create more categories of types of books, textbooks, dictionaries ...
- Update the database named "blacklist"
- Update the table of affluence in the computer room named "silent room"

See you later!

Magré Christelle a dit…


Monday 17
- Ranger returned books and books with new cover
- Look for old books in the library, with a list
- With Amazon watch exact date of the book, if it is given too old to charity or to a school in Africa and you buy a new book to replace the library.

Tuesday 18
- Search the library books on women's sport
- Change the presentation of the books at the entrance to the library, take exams guides and make a presentation on the female sports (because registration for clubs is coming soon)

Wednesday 19
- Check all book codes, books for children and adolescents (300) To know and those who fail more. Important work.
- Envelope stuffing mailings to people who have not returned books (50)

Thursday 20
- Create new cover for old books
- Home face to face with students (borrowing books / dvd, returns, using the silent room)
- Store and check the library books for children and adolescents (300)
- I give my appendix 8

Friday 21
- Store and check the library books for children and adolescents (400)
- Home face to face with students (borrowing books / dvd, returns, using the silent room)
- Choose books on the theme of the week réfugiers for Refugees and make a presentation in front of the library

See You Soon, Christelle

Magré Christelle a dit…

the last week:
- Store the returned books (30)
- Translation
- Classify all books of fiction (500)
- Put barcodes on new books (50)
- Training for the presentation of my business
- Create news covers of books

Thursday 27: Feast of the school, I secure with Margaux and I could enjoy the party.

Friday 28: Introduction to Madeleine