samedi 6 juillet 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Anicet Marion

Thursday, June 20th:

I have finally returned to the Thanet organizations support ( Site
Enter the new referents "service users" on the Excel table
Write an e-mail to Lynn who is in charge of the IN TOUCH Association, to inform him of the new requirements for people seeking services.

Vocabulary learned that day:

Bereavement = DEUIL
Tantion=  ART

Friday, June 21:

Instructions transmitted orally and in writing on the board

Insert logos in the correct format on the input Directory Site

"Your time" boxfile make sour there is a copy of referal in boxfile in spreadsheet and in filing.

Louise and Fran want to have maximun logos associations for their website. So I went to look for logos and convert them to JPEG format so that they are usable if they have needs for the future.

Learned vocabulary:

avaible = DISPONIBLE

Monday 24/06

Print programs "your time" for the month of July. In addition, posters of "Networking lunches" event Monday of each month.

Check all the papers of "service users" and "Volunteers" if they are present in the database and in files in alphabetical order.

Blymey -
Do not mention in -
You do not say -
Look at that -
It's up to you -
You'd better -
Outright -
Freely -
On the level (franskly)
Openly -

Tuesday 25/06

Today finish checks and report to Louise.
Explain how Louise and Fran convertions document formats is performed (image, video, ..)
Publisher to work on changing the flyer of the association and turn it into PDF.

In the afternoon, Louise is that I have a creative side and asked me to create a poster combining the services offered:


I have worked with Steeves a voluntary association

Wednesday 26 th June:

Complete displays and propose for approval or modification.
It's Wednesday, so in the afternoon I went to the proposed "your time" activities
This week it was TAI CHI. I talked with the people. Then I distributed flyers with volunteers on the street to promote the association.

Thursday 27 th June:

And this is my last day!
I archived classified transmitted Louise my work. Or they could find the information documents ..
I parametered him his mailbox so she can have a business card.

lundi 1 juillet 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Geneuvre Margaux

4th week:

I create thank you letters for school partners who participate in a day of cohesion June.
From these letters, I make a mail merge
I did sign mail by my tutor and perform sending these letters.

I take care of the organization of the school party :

I was shopping for boxes singers while maintaining an accurate budget.
I set up the tables and the location of the partners present at the school party.
I did sign the diplomas of students by the principal of the college and I put them in plastic bags so they can be distributed on the day of the festival.
I attend the school party, I was responsible for educating students to report problems or to ask to my tutor. I had to ensure the smooth running of the day.

The last day, I did not work, I do my presentation Madeleine on my business, my family and my hobbies.

samedi 29 juin 2013

My missions


·         I called the English Vineyards for confirmation receipt of our email, sent two weeks before.
·         Preparation of goods on pallets in the direction of Australia.
·         Receipt of orders ( wine, wood, wine bottles…)
·         writing letters for English vineyards in order to present Oenowood and the products.
·         Attendance at two  presentation, on new products.
Here are my last missions….

Thank you to Oenowood international , for their trust !


vendredi 28 juin 2013

My tasks for the last week

Monday, June 24:

- Visit of two apartments for rent in the center of Confolens, for a young English people
- Mail stamp and drop in the mail

Tuesday, June 25:

- Outdoor visit: Getting sale of a property owned by an English couple retired
- Translation of a newspaper article on "coupon visiting" in English to be displayed in the agency for english customers

Wednesday, June 26:

- Writing an email in response to an English customer after visiting a home
- An outdoor tour: an English couple who wishes to buy a house in Confolens
- Visit : a holliday house for sale by English couple near Confolens

Thursday, June 27:

- Outside: Visit a house to sell (photo, documents, etc ...) ; posting a sign on the facade of a house already for sale ; pictures to a home already on sale the add power for the site.
- Write the mandate of the house for sale on the same day

Friday, June 28:

- Writing a non-exclusive listing agreement
- Classifie archives (with the reference)
- Witness the signing of a sales agreement
- Folding prospectus

The last day!!!

Bonjour à tous,
Eh oui,demain déjà le retour!!

Alors je vous souhaite un bon voyage , et vous dis à lundi.


jeudi 27 juin 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Duqueroix Mathilde

4th week: from June 24 to 28/ Tâches de la 4éme semaine

Lundi 24
Faire fiche de vocabulaire Français-Anglais sur tous les mots que j’ai appris en entreprise

Monday 24 (Day with Emily and Toby)
Make vocabulary list French-English all the words that I learned in company

Mardi 25
Plastification de 3 fiches qui étaient le questionnaire que les clients ont a remplir une fois que les travaux sont effectués pour connaitre leur impression sur le contractant.
Les classer dans le classeur d’exposition
Finir la mise en page de ma fiche de vocabulaire
Mettre sous informatique les réponses de mon tuteur sur le questionnaire que je lui ai fait afin de mieux comprendre Tradeshop
Prendre des notes sur le processus des factures (avec Emily)
Faire une facture pour un client
Traduire les réponses de mon tuteur sur mon questionnaire en français

Tuesday 25 (Day with Emily and Toby (morning))
Laminating three sheets that were the questionnaire that clients have complete once the work is done to know their impression on the contractor.
Classify them in the workbook exposure
Finally the layout of my flashcards
Turn on the computer answers my tutor on the questionnaire that I gave him to understand Tradeshop
Take notes on the process invoices (with Emily)
Make an invoice for a customer
Translate my tutor answers to my questionnaire French

Mercredi 26
Prendre des photos de Tradeshop
Envoyer des demandes d’informations a des clients par courrier postal
Si les clients n’avaient pas renseignés leur adresse il me fallait les appeler pour connaitre leur adresse
Envoyer un mail
Mettre des timbres sur les enveloppes de Newsletter qu’il restait
Aller au bureau de poste acheter un carnet de 100 timbres
Faire un questionnaire pour mieux comprendre le processus des factures en francais et en anglais
Fiche d’action professionnelle

Wednesday 26 (Day with Benisse)
Take photos of Tradeshop
Send inquiries to customers by mail
If customers were not informed their address I had to call them to know their address
Put stamps on the envelopes he remained Newsletter
Go to the post office to buy a book of 100 stamps
Make a questionnaire to better understand the process invoices in French and English
Professional action sheet

Jeudi 27
Faire remplir a Emily le questionnaire que j’ai fait par rapport au processus des factures
Faire remplir mon évaluation de mon stage (c’est Emily qui l’a fait car Toby n’était pas présent a l’entreprise mais j’ai fait une copie du document vierge au cas ou ca n’irait pas, Toby pourra le remplir)
Remplir le questionnaire pour Madeleine
Préparer ma présentation de demain

Thursday 27 (Day with Emily)
Emily has be filled in out the questionnaire I made in relation to process invoices
Making complete my evaluation of my internship (is Emily did because Toby was not present in the company, but I made a copy of the blank document in case it does not go, Toby will the fill)
Complete the questionnaire for Madeleine
Prepare my presentation for tomorrow

Vendredi 28
Présentation a Madeleine

Friday 28
Presentation Madeleine

Samedi 29
Retour en France

Saturday 29
Back in France

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Pinalie Chloé

My tasks of the 4th week

Monday, 22 June : 
- Visits and inspections
- Lettings payment receipt
- Procedure an inspection report
- Verification of documentation
- Business Mail

Tuesday, 23 June : 
- Letting payment receipt
- Business Mail
- Visits and inspections

Wednesday, 24 June : 
- Visits and inspections
- Explanation of enterprise software
- Business Mail

Thursday, 25 June : 
- Visits to Margate, Cliftonville et Westgate
- Archiving and sorting files
- Business Mail for offers and benefits
- Inspection for apartment and progress


4ieme semaine a Thanet District Council : April Butler

Lundi 24 Juin :
-Traitement des formulaires Your Home Your Health
Mardi 25 Juin :
-J’ai fait la préparation et l'envoi des dossiers pour être scanner, numériser et également les contrôler (compter les pages, entrer les numéros des dossiers et le service puis je les ai emballé pour les descendre pour être scanné.
- Traitement des formulaires Your Home Your Health
- Archivage + Civica (créer le numéro de référence)
Mercredi 26 Juin :
- Le traitement des formulaires des locataires, y compris la création de feuilles de travail pour les officiers et l'envoi de lettres de notification aux propriétaires, aux agents immobiliers et aux locataires.
- L'envoi des formulaires d’aiguillage aux locataires en réponse aux plaintes du logement
-Entrer les informations reçu des locataires dans M3 et un fichier Excel pour les Subventions d'Installations pour les Handicapées.

Jeudi 27 Juin :
-Sur Civica Indexation des dossiers qui sont remonté informatiquement du scan (vérifier les pages et les rentrer pour être stocké).
-Entrer les informations reçu des locataires dans M3 et un fichier Excel pour les Subventions d'Installations pour les Handicapées.

lundi 24 juin 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Anicet Marion

Plus qu'une semaine, personellement je veux rester ici ! Bonjour a la France

Tasks performed during the 3rd week :

Tasks performed during the 3rd week :

Monday, June 17

   - Fact Sheets on the host families
   - Scan letters for students with visa number

Tuesday, June 18

   - Fact Sheets on the host families
   - I have answered the phone and made ​​the report has Liz (director)

Wednesday, June 19

   - I have prepare files for new students. containing: sheets, pencils, and handbook  

 Thursday, June 20

  - I continued to prepare students cards
  -  Creation of two tables excel for a recapitulatif the number of students who will be present during organized trips

Friday, June
  - Creation of a table of host families.

Margaux Grangeteau
Company : London House School Of English 

dimanche 23 juin 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: BTS AM Stage international 2013: Pinalie Chloé

The second weekend in June, I joined my family in London.
On Saturday morning, it was the celebration of the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II 
and we had the chance to see the royal family.

The video is the passage of the royal family.
In the first carriage, there are Camillia, Kate and Harry
followed cousins ​​Beatrice and Eugenie and Prince Philip with his family. 

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Geneuvre Margaux

3rd week: Task Margaux GENEUVRE

- I realized the layout design of a certificate of recognition for the students of the college
- I waited Validation design by my tutor and higher
- I made ​​printing certificates
- From an excel table, I put the name of each students on certificates
- I'll take care of the flyers Impressions prom, realized last week to send them with certificates and a letter of recognition
- I met the principal of the college to his request signing certificates
- I realized with a mailing label from a list of pupil in order to excel on the mettres envelopes
- I have made ​​the Send letters
- From basic excel given and the internet, I find the addresses of the partners for the day of community college in East Kent
- From the letters that I sent my tutor, I put the names of our partners and I sent e-mails

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Pinalie Chloé

Task of the 3rd week

Monday 17
Business mail
Preparation of inspections: select key
Archiving of finished files
Inspections and visits to homes, apartments
Use of inspection software on iphone

Tuesday 18
Sorting and archiving of documents the agency
Key storage
Visits and inspections

Wednesday 19
Visits and inspections
State places a garage
Verification work in a house
Archiving of finished files

Thursday 20 
Preparation of inspections: selection key
Inspections in Margate, Cliftonville and Ramsgate
Commercial Publispotage

Friday 21
Visits apartments and houses Margate
Use of inspection software on iphone
Scan insurance for a list of current issues

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Duqueroix Mathilde

Taches de la 3ème semaine – Task of the 3rd week

Lundi 17
Continuer et finir de mettre les Newsletter sous plis
Aller a la poste acheter un carnet de timbre
Finir mon powerpoint de presentation
Creation de deux questionnaires pour Monsieur Toby Marsh
Un en Anglais pour Mr. Marsh
Un en francais pour avoir un support

Monday 17
Continue and finish to put the Newsletter in envelopes
Go to the post office to buy a stamp book
Finish my powerpoint presentation
Creation of two questionnaires for Mr. Toby Marsh
- One in English for Mr. Marsh
- One in french for having a support

Mardi 18
Continuer la partie “famille d’acceuil” dans mon diaporama
Faire partie descriptive pour chaque diapo (nouvelle feuille word)
Classement de dossiers
Faire feuille de vocabulaire

Tuesday 18
Continue the part "host family" in my slideshow
Being a part description for each slide (new word sheet)
File classification
Make Vocabulary Worksheet

Mercredi 19
Continuer la feuille de vocabulaire et la terminer
Faire feuille de vocabulaire pour Madame Pichardie (mots anglais traduient en francais)
Et pour Madeleine avec les mots anglais

Wednesday 19
Continue Vocabulary Worksheet and complete
Make Vocabulary Worksheet for Madame Pichardie (traduient English words in french)
And Madeleine with English words

Jeudi 20
Faire ma fiche de communication et ma fiche d’action professionnelle
Traduction des document types

Thursday 20
Make my sheet of communication and my sheet professional action
Translation of Document Types

Vendredi 21
Traduction de deux lettres type pour un client
Les mettre sous informatique
Fiche de communication numero 3
Fiche d’action numero 2
Aller a la blanque

Friday 21
Translation of two form letters for a costumer
Put under computer
Communication plug of number 3
Action datasheet number 2
Go to the bank

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Duqueroix Mathilde

Taches de la 3ème semaine – Task of the 3rd week

Lundi 17
Continuer et finir de mettre les Newsletter sous plis
Aller a la poste acheter un carnet de timbre
Finir mon powerpoint de presentation
Creation de deux questionnaires pour Monsieur Toby Marsh
Un en Anglais pour Mr. Marsh
Un en francais pour avoir un support

Monday 17
Continue and finish to put the Newsletter in envelopes
Go to the post office to buy a stamp book
Finish my powerpoint presentation
Creation of two questionnaires for Mr. Toby Marsh
- One in English for Mr. Marsh
- One in french for having a support

Mardi 18
Continuer la partie “famille d’acceuil” dans mon diaporama
Faire partie descriptive pour chaque diapo (nouvelle feuille word)
Classement de dossiers
Faire feuille de vocabulaire

Tuesday 18
Continue the part "host family" in my slideshow
Being a part description for each slide (new word sheet)
File classification
Make Vocabulary Worksheet

Mercredi 19
Continuer la feuille de vocabulaire et la terminer
Faire feuille de vocabulaire pour Madame Pichardie (mots anglais traduient en francais)
Et pour Madeleine avec les mots anglais

Wednesday 19
Continue Vocabulary Worksheet and complete
Make Vocabulary Worksheet for Madame Pichardie (traduient English words in french)
And Madeleine with English words

Jeudi 20
Faire ma fiche de communication et ma fiche d’action professionnelle
Traduction des document types

Thursday 20
Make my sheet of communication and my sheet professional action
Translation of Document Types

Vendredi 21
Traduction de deux lettres type pour un client
Les mettre sous informatique
Fiche de communication numero 3
Fiche d’action numero 2
Aller a la blanque

Friday 21
Translation of two form letters for a costumer
Put under computer
Communication plug of number 3
Action datasheet number 2
Go to the bank

vendredi 21 juin 2013

My tasks this week

Monday, June 17:

Outside visit: house for potential buyers
Getting online translations on the website

Tuesday, June 18:

Getting online translations on the website
Transferring images from the camera on the "Picasa" software

Wednesday, June 19:

Getting online translations on the website
Appointment with an English customer looking for a house

Thursday, June 20:

Outside visit: Getting home selling an English client (photos. ..)
Writing the Terms of Sale
Updating the website
Research plans on the land registry

Friday, June 21:

Outside visit: 2 homes for sale for English customers interested
Physical and telephone reception of the French and English customers (my manager is absent in the afternoon)

Thanet District Council: April Butler

The third week, these are my tasks:

- Opening the mail every day, stamping it and giving it out to the right people and responding when necessary
- Preparing and sending files down to be scanned and controlling the files
- Indexing the files that have been returned from scanning
- Processing Your Home Your Health forms which includes inputting data and creating worksheets when necessary.
- Attended a multi-agency meeting with our director of service to record minutes
- Writing and circulating official minutes to the entire group
- Attended Housing Regeneration Team meeting and made relevant notes
- Using all available resources, I search local agents and helped create a contact list for invites to the annual landlord event.
- Helped prepare the postal invites for the landlord event.
- Processing tenant referral forms, including creating officer worksheets and sending notification letters to landlords, agents and tenants.

My missions

Hello !

This third  week :
* organization of the tour due to the database on the English vineyards (I realized of earlier weeks) : virtual map to perform the route , using google maps.

*Creation of a database of Scottish distilleires ( Translation , Writting…) Which took me some time !

*Impressions many «  Tastings Set » for a different events ( general meeting, presentations….)

*I sort and classify journals

See you soon

jeudi 20 juin 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Anicet Marion

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Anicet Marion: Nom : ANICET Prénom: Marion Date de naissance: 23/03/1994 Lieu de naissance: Bordeaux  (33) Entreprise: Clinique du Colombier 92...

Wednesday 12th june:

Today I finished the three word documents I had to realize. After I created the labels and print photographs for each proposed service.
Lamination of pictures and posters aue. Temporal constraint three blue tables had to be finished at noon. (realized)
The morning after bitch every Wednesday I allee to the library for the event on Wednesday with "your time" entertainment for the elderly and needy. Program this after-noon tea and coffee and play bingo. Then help logistics.

Thursday 13th june,

Update the database of;
service users
Verification louise on the excel table those present at the event on Wednesday. To calculate the entries of money expenditures (purchases of milk, biscuits) and then update the book for me account. Printing program next week in 7 times and laminating. Then a meeting with Louise and Fran 13H3O with all other organizations working with us.

Friday 14 th june,

Day in the office of Kathy morning with her.

Taking instructions aue I see realized when she went to meeting. Creation of a poster to put on his door to identify it. (logo, name, laminate ...) Do some research on the computer and USB key to have the necessary documentation. Attend an appointment with a volunteer who offers his services. Katty help on an Excel spreadsheet to do a sum.

Monday 17th june

Research site. Nursing homes in different cities (Ramsgate, Margate, birchington) then print the first two each time and then fill the Appointee sheet "TS Directory Entry Form" which is a sheet to identify organizations> Interview with Fran and louise photographer will take pictures of elderly people with stories to promote youth the beauty of old age to educate.
Tuesday 18th June

Today I have to update the database Database TCSP services users>
Safety data:
Update blank spaces on TCSP.
To do this I must research users divided into:

For what are known their leaves with the information in this filing classes by letter of the alphabet. After having found I must fill the column "time update"
If the date is not found in the files I have to search in other archives. Make copies and file.

Wednesday 19 th June

This morning I have to go to the website
To enter all categories of services using the paper beforehand filled called "Thanet Support Directory Entry form"
This site reference all the services proposed. Photos associations are not in jpeg so I proposed after the alles be looking at each site to convert to using a free online website to do so. Louise and Fran being delighted, I have shown how their doing. Afraid of not being able to remake their and I propose to do a procedure so that they can recommancer.

mercredi 19 juin 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Pinalie Chloé

Mes tâches pour la deuxième semaine :

- Still week observation
- Letting paiement receipt
- Key storage in alphabetical order and verification of specifications
- Distribution of papers for the maintenance companies
- Visits and inspections of customers in their new
- Using the application of agency cases for inspection and satisfaction survey
- Issue letters of inspections and mailing
- Use software agency
- business mail

Cooke&Co, Cliftonville.

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Leclerc Flavie

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Leclerc Flavie

Voici mes tâches pour la deuxième semaines.


- Welcoming a group of students and give the papers necessary to introduce English in Margate
- Writing e-mails
- Write tasks group Cifop in the spreadsheet


- Send e-mails
- Copy the table go to my manager on paper
- Collect new tasks to the groups in the spreadsheet


- Organize News Students Information
- Send e-mail
- Send e-mail to the group Cifop
- Write on the board meeting important and urgent tasks of my manager


- Sort and destroy confidential papers
- Modify the spreadsheet welcomes families and change when the data were distorted


- Organize papers my manager
- Write e-mails
- Participate in the free lesson with other students

Le tableur est sous Excel et je l'ai en copie sur mon ordinateur.

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Anicet Marion

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Anicet Marion: Nom : ANICET Prénom: Marion Date de naissance: 23/03/1994 Lieu de naissance: Bordeaux  (33) Entreprise: Clinique du Colombier 92...

mardi 18 juin 2013

My tasks for the second week :

Monday, June 10

- Translation of the website london house
Realisation of students cards
- Visit of the host family
Account of a visit to the host family

 Tuesday, June 11

Realisation of students cards
I added a new family in the database given
- I participated in an English class with three students (an Australian, a Chinese and Russian)

 Wednesday, June 12

- Realisation of letters for host families
- I make cards for classifying students in a flipchart
- I have full computerized information sheets on host families

 Thursday, June 13

- I have full computerized information sheets on host families

Friday, June 14

- I have full computerized information sheets on host families
- Visit of the host family

Grangeteau Margaux : 
Company London House School Of English

Ce que j'ai fait la deuxieme semaine a Thanet District Council: April Butler

Lundi 10 Juin:
- Filtrage et mise à jour de la feuille de travail d'exécution sélective de licence (retirer des adresses d’un fichier Excel afin de voir qui a une licence sélective et qui n’en a pas)
-J’ai fait le traitement d'évaluation pour les Subventions d'Installations pour les Handicapées.
-J’ai fait la préparation et l'envoi des dossiers pour être scanner, numériser et également les contrôler (compter les pages, entrer les numéros des dossiers et le service puis je les ai emballé pour les descendre pour être scanné.
Mardi 11 Juin:
- Le traitement des formulaires Votre Maison Votre Santé qui incluent l’entrée des données et la création de feuilles de travail quand nécessaire.
- L'envoi des formulaires d’aiguillage aux locataires en réponse aux plaintes du logement
- Le traitement des formulaires des locataires, y compris la création de feuilles de travail pour les officiers et l'envoi de lettres de notification aux propriétaires, aux agents immobiliers et aux locataires.
Mercredi 12 Juin :
- Le traitement des formulaires des locataires, y compris la création de feuilles de travail pour les officiers et l'envoi de lettres de notification aux propriétaires, aux agents immobiliers et aux locataires.
- Aller sur un logiciel qui s’appelle Civica pour entrer les données des archives  et de récupérer un numéro afin de les donner aux personnes pour qu’ils puissent les scanner
- Ouvrir mon agenda et ajouter les contacts pour avoir l’agenda partagé sous les yeux
Jeudi 12 Juin :
-Traitement des formulaires Your Home Your Health, avce Louise (entrer les informations sur deux tableau de bord et sur le logiciel M3 afin de garder un suivi sur les endroits visiter, leurs états des lieux et aussi les locataires actuellement dans le logement) + imprimer les feuilles de travail pour DF
- Archivage + Civica (créer le numéro de référence)
Vendredi 13 Juin :
-Traitement des formulaires Your Home Your Health, seule
-Sur Civica Indexation des dossiers qui sont remonté informatiquement du scan (vérifier les pages et les rentrer pour être stocké).

lundi 17 juin 2013

My tasks for the second week

Monday, June 10:

- Outside visit: Setting selling a house (price estimate, take pictures)
- Translation progress Website

Tuesday, June 11:

- End of translation website
- Writing a non-exclusive listing agreement
- Signing of a mandate with a client
- Signing of a mandate with customers
- Select photos to put on the prospectus

Wednesday, June 12:

- Layout of posters inside the agency
- Writing a non-exclusive listing agreement for joint ownership
- Appointment with an English for a list of home may suit him
- Appointment with an English couple looking for a second home

Thursday, June 13:

- Visit 4 houses for an English couple (potential buyers)
- Checking translations with Anton before the line

Friday, June 14:

- Beginning of the online translations on the website
- Appointment with a couple of English to provide additional information on the eve visited home, making an appointment for a visit-against.

dimanche 16 juin 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Geneuvre Margaux

Hello everyone!

This week I perform different tasks.

I broadstairs visit with a student and I took pictures of the most famous places in order to create a map for the next school year for students who do not know broadstairs. I have done the same work plan for the school.

I did the design of a certificate of appreciation with the graphic part.

I effected a search on the freshers' fair is the first day of the students, it is a day of integration. I can bring new ideas.

After having observed a colleague when she create his posters for fitness classes for women, I had to go hang has strategic locations in the school. that is to say in the ladies room, on billboards and on stairs

From an old survey of satisfaction, I have to create a new and changing issues shaping the survey monkey software on the internet. This is a free software that will keep its investigations and to change them.

vendredi 14 juin 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Duqueroix Mathilde

Lundi 10
Continuer d'écrir sur les enveloppes le nom des clients qui n'ont pas d'adresse mail pour envoyer le bulletin d'information de Juin 2013 (environ 500)
Ouverture du courrier (c'était un règlement par chèque)
Inscrire le paiement sur le carnet de la banque
Aller à la banque

Monday 10
Continue to write on the envelopes the names of clients who do not have your email address to send the newsletter of June 2013 (500)
Opening the mail (it was a payment by check)
Enter the payment on the bank book
Go to the bank

Mardi 11
Continuer d'écrire le nom des clients sur les enveloppes
Redaction de trois mails pour envoyer les factures aux professionnels
Objet du mail : Tradeshop Contractor Statement

Tuesday 11
Continue to write the names of clients on envelopes
Redaction three mails to send invoices professionals
Subject of email: Tradeshop Contractor Statement

Mercredi 12
Plier les buletins d'information afin de les mettre dans les enveloppes
(si le code postal est CT7 ou la ville est Birchington ne pas mettre de timbre dessus)
Scanner quatres documents pour Toby, Benisse lui a envoyer en pièces jointes dans un mail
Appel téléphonique : répondre au téléphone
Madame X souhaitait effectuer des travaux dans sa salle de bain et voulait savoir si Tradeshop avait un profesionnel à lui proposer. Benisse était absente je me suis donc prsenter en tant qu'étudiante française et je lui ai demandé son numéro de téléphone pour que Benisse la rappelle dès son retour.
Séparer les enveloppes en deux tas distincts :
  • pour Birchington
  • pour les autres villes qui doivent avoir des timbres sur les enveloppes

Wednesday 12
Fold newsletter to put in the envelopes
(if the postal code or city CT7 Birchington is not to stamp it)
Scanner four records for Toby, Benisse him was send as attachments in an email
Call: answer the phone
Mrs. X wanted to do work in the bathroom and wanted to know if Tradeshop had a profesional to propose. Benisse was missing so I introduce myself as a French student and I asked for her phone number so that reminds Benisse upon his return.
Separate envelopes into two piles:
for Birchington
for other cities must have stamps on envelopes

Jeudi 13
Ouverture du courrier, c'était une réponse d'un client sur une enquête de satisfaction sur le professionnel qui a effectué ses travaux accompagné du règlement
Annoter la valeur du chèque dans le carnet de la banque
Traduction de la Newletter (travail personnel) pour que je comprenne de quoi il s'agit
Aller à la banque

Thursday 13
Opening the mail, it was a response to a client satisfaction survey on the professional who did his work with payment
Annotate the value of the check in the bank book
Translation of the Newletter (personal work) so I understand what it is
Go to the bank

Vendredi 14
Plastification de trois « Customer Feedback » plus d'une fiche de processus de classement des dossiers
Mise sous pli de la Newsletter
Répondre au téléphone deux fois
nouvelle cliente
un entrepreuneur qui souhaitait parler à Emily

Friday 14
Lamination of three "Customer Feedback" over a sheet classification process files
Inserters the Newsletter
Answer the phone twice
new client
Entrepreneurial one who wanted to talk to Emily