dimanche 23 juin 2013

BTS AM Stage international 2013: Geneuvre Margaux

3rd week: Task Margaux GENEUVRE

- I realized the layout design of a certificate of recognition for the students of the college
- I waited Validation design by my tutor and higher
- I made ​​printing certificates
- From an excel table, I put the name of each students on certificates
- I'll take care of the flyers Impressions prom, realized last week to send them with certificates and a letter of recognition
- I met the principal of the college to his request signing certificates
- I realized with a mailing label from a list of pupil in order to excel on the mettres envelopes
- I have made ​​the Send letters
- From basic excel given and the internet, I find the addresses of the partners for the day of community college in East Kent
- From the letters that I sent my tutor, I put the names of our partners and I sent e-mails

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